

Get Real-World Training with A Cosmetology Apprenticeship Course

You might ask if you can learn cosmetology online in the way you learn in a campus environment. No cosmetology school is entirely online to teach learners via a mobile application due to the hands-on nature of the practice.

The good news is that the Beauty Barber app has started providing online education on the science and philosophy underlying cosmetology through live webinars and recorded sessions organized by MSCBA’s instructors. This Cosmetology Apprenticeship Course helps learners become successful certified cosmetologists.

This app is the platform that prepares potential learners for licensure in the cosmetology field with online training and mentorship provided by highly qualified and skilled cosmetology instructors.


Beauty Barber offers the first online Cosmetology Apprenticeship Course prepared and taught by MSCBA’s instructors, including licensing preparation. This online course covers the following:

  • Theoretical concept and reading
  • Writing projects
  • Reading on cosmetology-related topics, including haircuts and styles, hair coloring techniques, cosmetics and makeup application, skincare, nail care, salon/business management, etc.
  • Reading on cosmetology-related topics, including haircuts and styles, hair coloring techniques, cosmetics and makeup application, skincare, nail care, salon/business management, etc.

This online Cosmetology Apprenticeship Course is self-directed, enabling you to access the complete course outline, materials, and assignments when you enroll and learn at your convenience.

The course also includes deadlines for the given assignments. The instructor also requires you to participate in the online discussion through a series of posts (discussion threads) and engage with your fellow students.

Whatever program you choose under this certification course, it’s advisable to check out the apprenticeship opportunity notifications you receive on the app. This way, you can ensure your chosen course can link you to a local business to complete the required practical training.

A cosmetology program usually consists of one year. We offer a comprehensive cosmetology course of 1,500 clock-hour duration before licensing exams. As completing the hours for the chosen course is mandatory (the State’s requirement for certified cosmetologists), this course duration is enough to learn everything.


The Best Cuts Of The Shears

This cosmetology certification course helps and prepares learners to make a career in the hair care, cosmetics, or makeup industry. MSCBA’s qualified hairstylists teach learners all techniques to cut all hair types perfectly and give their clients a look suitable on their faces. They teach in such a way that helps learners become a creative hairstylist with shears and meet their clients' expectations, whatever they demand.


Develop A Solid Foundation Of The Basics Of Makeup

This Cosmetology Apprenticeship Course is comprehensive, extending far beyond hair and other areas, helping learners develop a solid foundation by covering makeup basics. They learn the proper use of a variety of brushes while developing skills for using different makeup application techniques for different skin types. At the end of the course, students become experts in blending makeup perfectly and bringing out a person’s inside beauty.